....Let me tell you about this movie delivery!
All day I was having "braxton hicks" (so I thought). These contractions were far apart and I'm like, I have 2 more weeks to go or at least one more. I continued my day as usual, taking my son to school, going to the office and seeing clients. By 1pm, I called my mother and asked her, "when do I need to go to the hospital for contractions?" She asked me was I discharging or did I see any blood?, I said no and she said, "you're not ready! calm your nerves" (moms smh lol). I'm sure you're wondering, why don't you know this already? Don't you already have a child?....Yes, but I was induced and never felt any contractions...so this was NEW to me...
By 4:30pm, at my after school program (still working, I KNOW!), I was irritable and told my mom to "take me to the hospital, he is coming, BUT FIRST, let me go the bathroom". Biggest mistake! I was stuck, I saw a spot of blood and then here comes the discharge and I couldn't walk. I screamed for 5mins for my mother to come get me and call 911. I could not walk, I did not want to talk, I literally cried for a minute like OMG, shh just got real... Did I mention, I love my mom! she held me up so I can stand and then laid a mat on the floor and examined me. Paramedics came trying to walk me through this delivery, my legs were wide open and I did not care who saw my cudda cutter (that's her name lol) ! I wanted the baby out ...... Baby, I was about to deliver in the bathroom at the after school program where I work!.... Next thing you know, POP! Water broke like a water ballon and got on everyone feet... they made a judgement call to rush to hospital to eliminate any infections.
Now, its 5:53 p.m. when I arrived at the nearest hospital, (so annoyed I could not deliver at my hospital with my midwife).... Needless to say, I was screaming and squeezing the nurses hand each time I had a contraction......(Remember, that episode from Fresh Prince when Aunt Viv was squeezing their hands so hard?) Yes, that was me, I played no games...! at 6:15 p.m. they were telling me to push. I was not hooked up to no monitor machines or nothing, they listened to the baby heart beat to make sure it was not dropping before I began to push again.... I pushed once and asked for an epidural. ...Ha! Nurse said, "baby it's to late for that, he is on his way out. Push one good time, we can see his head". Me being me, I said, "well just grab him then, this hurts". lol..(of course they could not grab him lol).. So I gave one more push......and here comes Baby Mason at 6:21 p.m...when I say, I felt everything, him sliding out... to the umbilical cord coming behind him...omg! It was so unreal! All I could do was thank God for a fast delivery and healthy baby.. Oh how about I delivered with sun glasses on the whole time, how cool am I? lol, only me?!
For my entire pregnancy, I prayed to be healthy and deliver a healthy baby, who would have known my delivery would be so grand! lol.....
Every 4 years, we are bless with an additional day in the month of February, making it a leap year. This year, 2016, I was blessed to give birth to a bouncing boy on a leap day...my special baby! Oh, did mention my "due date" was suppose to be March 12th lol.... Mason played for coming so early! His brother was a week early, so I guess he said he'll be 2 weeks early....let's pray this is NOT a track record for future kids.... wink wink...
Oh, I commend each WOMAN who ever delivered natural and those who is deciding to deliver all natural! Y'all the truth. If I had a chance in the future, would I go natural, NAH lol, give me an epidural please! But I did good!.... (I forgot, let me give y'all some inside scoop, once upon a time I wanted to deliver like the movies, you know have my water break while I'm out and rushing to the hospital all frantic and will have this beautiful delivery lol.....So my fantasy came true but I never said I didn't want no epidural...look how things work! lol
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