Snapback game STRONG or NAH
The end of 2015 and beginning of 2016 has been a year thus far of baby births...which has now became the year of
"Snapbacks"..... Us women who have birthed, we tend to enjoy being pregnant...well most of us (when we are not having morning sickness)...we love the growing of the belly, being catered to, and feeling your baby move.... What we
HATE, is the constant weight gain, that the doctor inform us at each appointment!..... Sir/Ma'am we know we've gained, please don't tell us what weight we should be at according to your book (although us mom's know we should be healthy and we appreciate it). However, with my last pregnancy, the doctors told me, "you are gaining to need to cut back on eating"..I am like, "Ma'am I do not eat out everyday and if I am gaining I am just gaining, I am pregnant! what do you want me to do?!" let's fast forward to post baby....
For the first couple of days (3) you are still in the hospital, maybe longer depending on your delivery and then you go home to continue to rest and enjoy your baby, heck you carried him/her for 9 months.... Now, as a woman, we begin to think about ways to lose this baby weight AND IT WILL HAPPEN, some faster then others.... now here come these
Celebrities whom we all follow, who are beautiful and talented, and a week after their delivery, they are posting pictures in bikini's,...I am like "well damn", there goes by self- esteem for the week lol, we both had a baby but they look bomb and here I am still struggling to get my jeans on and they skinty and shh.....
After getting over my depression (really not really lol), I went out with some friends and I was like, "I look damn good to just had a baby 2 months ago."..... No, I am not quite back at the
pre-baby size but I am almost there. I never been the one to worry about my actual weight (according to the scale) but more about what I look like in my clothes and bathing suits and how I am feeling. My goal is to fit into my
pre-baby clothes, lol,.... that is how I know I have slimmed, but recently I have been on my Kanye work out plan with walking and doing cardio at the track with other moms. I love accountability partners who want what is best for you as you would yourself.
For all my non celeb moms who just had a baby, I am here to tell you, bump the celebrity snapback game! You look good and keep working out to make your self feel good! Don't compare yourself to anyone but the person looking back at you in the mirror.
We have stated a Mom-Exercise club, if you are interested email us at
by: EJanai
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