Hard to Explain....all over the place

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As a mom...a woman.... we tend to take on all emotions of our children, family members and friends. Let's not forget we are not limited to other people opinions on OUR LIFE. 😟....These opinions can either hinder us or push us to be great!....Now some people may be speaking from their heart  to encouraged and uplift you and we can be receptive to those opinions. 

As a mom, it's hard to walk around with a smile on your face all the damn time, knowing this day/ this week/ this moment it's just not there. You want to be happy go lucky, but stress and OVER THINKING weighs you down. We as women have to be more in tuned with our emotions and to know, it is okay to feel how we are currently feeling and not feel bad. However, we have to learn and implement positive techniques/skills to help us get back to our happy selves 😊.

Some things that are helpful to me;

1. Cry it out. I try to give myself 2 hrs to 24 hrs 😏 to cry it out and move on.

2. Come up with a game plan. What are the next step? How can you make yourself feel better? and not dwindle on the hurt or annoyance. 

3. Think positive. Look at pictures that make you smile. Daily affirmations. What are your blessings? 

4. Vent to someone who will allow you to talk and at the end of the talk will uplift you and let u know it will be okay.

5. Take yourself on a date!

It's okay to feel how you feel....just don't stay in those feelings!!
